How to SEE Strikes When Euro Nymphing.

How to SEE Strikes When Euro Nymphing.

If you've read my book Tactical Fly Fishing, watched any of the Modern Nymphing Masterclass videos, or any of my previous YouTube videos about Euro nymphing, you'll know that I think anglers should be relying on visually detecting strikes on their sighter when they are Euro nymphing. That is after all why it is called a SIGHT-er since it is there to provide visual indications of strikes in addition to helping you control your depth and drift.
In my opinion, if you wait till you feel a strike you are likely missing the bulk of your takes.
However, it seems like many others don't agree with me on this topic. Much of what I read online, and many of the comments and questions I receive, suggest that a lot of folks rely on feeling takes rather than seeing them. If you fall into that camp and it's working for you that's great. But if you would like to improve your capability of visually detecting strikes, this video shows concrete examples of strikes seen on the sighter. My hope is that it will help you start to look for similar indications of strikes the next time you are on the water. I'll be following it up with another video providing additional tips for seeing takes in the near future. 
Before watching this video, I suggest clicking on the gear icon in YouTube to makes sure your settings are at the highest resolution possible. Without HD, the sighter takes in these videos will be hard to spot. And if you can watch this video on a big screen, instead of your phone, that should help as well. Click below to watch.
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