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Fulling Mill

Devin Olsen's Doppelganger Pheasant Tail

Devin Olsen's Doppelganger Pheasant Tail

Regular price $3.45 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.45 USD
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Note: the FM jigs these flies are tied on run about 1.5 sizes larger than labeled. Please factor that into your decision on which size to purchase in addition to the bead size. Also, the purple variation of this fly doesn't get as much attention, but it has produced some surprisingly good results for me and quite a few customers I've had feedback from. 

An extremely durable faux pheasant tail nymph from Devin Olsen. Pheasant fibers are a must have but we all know how fragile they can be at times. If you're looking for a durable "PTN" nymph that can last over many fish, give this a try.

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