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High N Dry

High N Dry Floatant Pretreatment

High N Dry Floatant Pretreatment

Regular price $9.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $9.95 USD
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Pretreating your fly with our Floatant Pretreatment liquid allows you to 1) treat several flies at once at home after tying and 2) worry less about treating your fly when you get to the water. Our Floatant Pretreatment was designed to be as effective as our other floatant products, but with special and unique materials to allow it to dry on the surface of the fly as well as soak into the fly fibers. The large opening in the bottle allows the fly fisher to soak their fly and allows the fly to be completely covered with waterproof and buoyant barrier. Once submerged, you can remove the fly and set it aside to dry overnight before putting the prepared fly in your fly box. It works well on flies tied with all types of materials (including CDC). It contains no organic solvents, is odorless, and is environmentally friendly.

The Floatant Pretreatment is delivered in a High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) bottle with a screw on cap. This packaging assures that you won’t tip a closed bottle and create a mess on your tying desk, but keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use to avoid evaporation. We include 50 grams of floatant in a 2 oz. container, so you can treat a lot of flies before you’ll need to reload.

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