Olsen's Blowtorch Peacock Variation
Olsen's Blowtorch Peacock Variation
Note: the FM jigs these flies are tied on run about 1.5 sizes larger than labeled. Please factor that into your decision on which size to purchase in addition to the bead size.
In 2014 I was in the Czech Republic with my Fly Fishing Team USA mates for the World Fly Fishing Championships. Our guide showed us a tag nymph which he preferred to swing for coarse fish on flatter sections of the Vltava River. I had some success with it during practice but felt I could improve the color scheme, the hackle mobility, the durability and adapt the weight to suit it to nymphing for trout and grayling in the other beats of the river. After a few manipulations I landed on the recipe for the Blowtorch. It was instrumental in 2nd and 1st place session finishes during that championship and has become my favorite attractor nymph since.